Search Engine Optimization non è una forma legittima di marketing

19 Ott

Che fai: linki, ottimizzi, spammi sui social network, sui blog, sui forum?

Search Engine Optimization is not a legitimate form of marketing. It should not be undertaken by people with brains or souls. If someone charges you for SEO, you have been conned.

Derek ci da il suo simpatico punto di vista sull'attività SEO: un testiomone del "variopinto" mondo del posizionatore sui motori di ricerca. Sulle conclusioni però sono d'accordo:

The One True Way

Which brings us, finally, to the One True Way to get a lot of traffic on the web. It’s pretty simple, and I’m going to give it to you here, for free:

Make something great. Tell people about it. Do it again.

That’s it. Make something you believe in. Make it beautiful, confident, and real. Sweat every detail. If it’s not getting traffic, maybe it wasn’t good enough. Try again.(…)

Then do it again. And again. You’ll build a reputation for doing good work, meaning what you say, and building trust.

It’ll take time. A lot of time. But it works. And it’s the only thing that does.

